4 months ago I posted on here, life just gets too busy and I haven't really felt like putting anything down in words. Not that there haven't been things to write about. Darling Daughters wedding is 1 week away, she has been packing up all of her belongings, preparing to leave this home and start one of her own. The house if full of wedding decorations, food items and boxes of clothes, shoes and stuff. I am excited and reflective. We are all ready for the "event" to be here. Have become tired of thinking about and planning every waking hour. Praying for a peacful day of love and celebration and to let go of perfection. To relax and enjoy the moment.
3 days ago I learned of the death of a friend who was not a believer, maybe she was a believer but she had not claimed Jesus has her Lord, she did believe in God. I had prayed for her, spent some time with her, but never really got in her face about the Lord. I felt that if I was her friend and showed her love that she would be interested in finding out more of who Jesus was and what He desired of her. Now she's gone and I don't know where she stood. I heard she did cry out to God for help and only He knows her heart. But I am left with feelings that I did not do enough, I know I did not spend enough time with her. I let life get in the way and did not make the sacrifice to see her, prayed for her but did I pray enough? I did not speak the words of life to her in a frank way. I had prayed that the Father would put someone in my path to reach out to and when He did I didn't really step up to the plate and give it my all.
I fell short and I can only ask His forgiveness and pray that the next time I will give Him my all for another. I really don't want to feel this way again.....
Living in and thankful for HIS grace,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time to Whine
Just a quick note...time goes by so swiftly and much has been going on. Hopefully someday soon I'll sit down and write a real post. How do those women who post daily about all their sewing, baking, cleaning, crafting, cooking, child raising, gardening, canning, homesteading and serving find time to post too???? I am obviously flawed :(
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
We need a Hero.....
This morning the Boy Next Door was on his way to work when he spotted the neighbors car on fire.
He immediately phoned 911, then began trying to alert the neighbors who were still in bed. After knocking on the door and banging on windows, he finally got their attention, (sometime during all of this, he did manage to get a picture). The fire department and local sheriff arrived in 5 minutes. The fire became so hot the windows in the car busted out sending glass across the road where the Boy Next Door's car was parked. The car is a total loss and the siding above the garage door was melted, but if it wasn't for our Hero, this could have been a gruesome story.
So...we celebrate with a special brownie!
We are very proud :)
Living in His grace,
Friday, March 26, 2010
We interrupt this program.....
Hey, what happened to spring? I awoke at 3:30am to a rumbling noise outside. What was it, tornado, earthquake? I got up to look outside the bedroom window and what to my wondering eye should appear but....the SNOW PLOW! Could not believe it, a couple inches of snow had fallen.
Earlier in the week I was bemoaning (I like that word, bemoaning) this
Earlier in the week I was bemoaning (I like that word, bemoaning) this
dreaded mud...that was more like quicksand. It grabbed each of my boots and would not let go, causing me to step out of one of them resulting in this....
a sock full of mud and manure. I had no choice but to stick my foot back in my boot and proceed with what I was doing. I headed back into the house for dry socks and different boots, then completed the morning chores. Afterwards I threw the sock away and hosed out my boot. I loathe mud...I know, I have said that before...put it on my tombstone.
So, this morning, it looked like this
beautiful, crisp, white, clean. But lurking under all that beauty is...mud. Just waiting to come back out. Hmmm, sounds like my sinful self. On the outside I may appear (at times) to be a "model" christian, but lurking underneath is still a sinner just waiting/wanting to come back out, (how well I know). And but for Christ's death on the cross and His gift of Grace that justifies me in Gods sight, I would have no hope.
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by His blood to be received by faith." Romans 3:23-25
Rejoice Easter is here!!!! God has interrupted this program....my life. Thanks be to God!!!
Living in His grace,
Monday, March 22, 2010
You're still the one.....
30 years ago today I married my Dearest Friend. 30 years....wow!!! I cannot believe this much time has passed, it truly seems it was just a moment ago. DF, I wouldn't change a thing and I would definitely do it all over again. You are the other half of me...most usually my "better half" (smiles). You are a blessing and I am awed by how you have surrendered your life to the One who brought us together. Looking forward to the next 30!!!
Your Favorite Wife,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Could spring be here???
I don't remember much about last week...work, cleaning, spa appointment for Gryffin :) , a basketball game, errands and church. That about sums it up. I did manage to take a few pictures on Friday...
snow melting away
getting the rubber wellies ready
to handle this
and this....I loathe mud!!!!
looking forward to these
and one last pic, moss greening up of the northside of one of the old maples
as of tonight the snow is now completely gone, the mud is deep. We sink up to our ankles when heading out in the pastures. The wellies are getting a true workout. Just came in from locking up the chickens and gathering the eggs, there is a slight mist, but tomorrow and the following days are promising to be a bit dryer and warmer. Hopefully the mud will begin to dry.
Living in His grace,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Week in Review
Wow, where do the days go. Several times this week I thought about sitting down to write and before I knew it the day was over. I still am struggling in my efforts to observe Lent. Giving up the items I have mentioned has not been so much a problem, it's my finding other things to put in their place instead of focusing on the Lord. How easily I am distracted and pulled away. Reminds me of a line from my favorite Hymn, "prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love".....
I did take several pictures this week and last....here is what life looked like:
A week ago Tuesday, I was down at Mom and Dad's to get my haircut. Afterwards we headed out to dinner, just the 3 of us. Cannot remember the last time it was just us 3. Had a wonderful time eating and listening to Mom and Dad bicker at each other :) They really should take their act out on the road.
Sunday night we finally threw out the legs
It was an absolutely gorgeous day...we still have snow on the ground but it is melting. Temps are warming up....spring is on its way. And even though I truly enjoy winter and snow...it will be nice to see some green grass.
I really must try to post more often....this is really long.
In His grace,
I did take several pictures this week and last....here is what life looked like:
A week ago Tuesday, I was down at Mom and Dad's to get my haircut. Afterwards we headed out to dinner, just the 3 of us. Cannot remember the last time it was just us 3. Had a wonderful time eating and listening to Mom and Dad bicker at each other :) They really should take their act out on the road.
Sunday night we finally threw out the legs
these mannequin legs where brought home by DD before Christmas. She found them in a dumpster at work. They stood in our dining room all through Christmas, it was finally time to let them go.
Friday night DF and I went to Mom and Dad's to set up their printer, then met up with relatives at McDonald's to visit. It's amazing how fast 3 hours can go by in a McDonalds. Part of the time was spent visiting with a poor soul who had what appeared to have been Alzheimers. This eldely lady spent a good deal of time talking to us and showing us her pictures (several times). When we got there she was talking with my aunt and we figured they knew each other. That was not the case...she then proceeded to speak with each of us women. Finally she headed back to her husband (who was sitting in a booth watching TV) and he escorted her out to their car. I think her visiting with us was a nice break for him.
Yesterday was so nice that after a brief time working in the office, DF and I decided to head out and enjoy the weather.
We had a late lunch here
Stopped by one of our favorite antiques store (didn't buy a thing) and then just drove around.
I never cease to be amazed by the giant Longaberger basket.
I really must try to post more often....this is really long.
In His grace,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I have decided to observe Lent this year. I am fasting from morning TV news programs and from reading the plethera of blogs I like to read several times a day. During the times that I want to read a blog or listen to the morning news banter I will focus my thoughts on the Lord by praying and reading His word. 40 days of giving up something good for something better! So far...I am not doing a very good job of filling those times with Him, I'm finding that other things are filling those times. Housework, work, errands, things on the internet that I tell myself are needed to be looked at. Oh what a wretched woman I am. Oh yes, I have read the word a bit more and maybe prayed a bit more, but not like I had hoped I would be doing. However, His mercies are new everyday and tomorrow I will be back in the battle.
Lamentations 3:19-23 (NASB) Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:19-23 (NASB) Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness. Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down within me. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
Friday, February 19, 2010
A Busy Week
This week started out with a couple of days of snow, I think we had around 10 inches on top of the countless inches we've accumulated over the last month. Today however was around 32, sunny, with bright blue skies. A beautiful day!
On Wednesday, DD and The Boy Next Door went for a walk in the deep snow in the pasture. They of course took the dogs along on their little hike. While kneeling in a snow bank that extended over the creek, DD became aware that the part of the bank to her side had given away. Suddenly she realized that Cooper had fallen and was now in the creek. She and The Boy Next Door rushed to dig a way out for him and then hurried him back through the pasture to the house...this is what he looked like when he came in
On Wednesday, DD and The Boy Next Door went for a walk in the deep snow in the pasture. They of course took the dogs along on their little hike. While kneeling in a snow bank that extended over the creek, DD became aware that the part of the bank to her side had given away. Suddenly she realized that Cooper had fallen and was now in the creek. She and The Boy Next Door rushed to dig a way out for him and then hurried him back through the pasture to the house...this is what he looked like when he came in
poor Cooper
DD felt horrible
Gryffin...he did not fall in the creek
he looks a little arrogant in this picture, maybe because he was dry and Cooper was a wet, muddy, mess.
While talking to Mom on the phone Thursday, I went downstairs to make a cup of coffee, stopped by the cupboard in the dining room to get my cup and noticed this...
It's dry now, but it was dripping and running down the cupboard. I called DF and he headed home, we both figured it was due to all the snow and ice on the roof. This spot is where the ell connects onto the main house. DF spent the rest of the day and part of the evening clearing snow and ice from the roof. Thankfully it worked, no more dripping, just a lovely stain to be painted over. Oh well, the ceiling really needed a new coat of paint anyway. I'm just thankful that there doesn't appear to be any real damage.
Aside from a lot of office work to catch up this week, there were a couple of funerals to attend, dinner to make for the family of one of them and time with Helen. Helen seemed not to know me at first today. I had to remind her who I was, where DF and I worked, that I knit and had brought her eggs. She then remembered and we did do a little visiting. I bring her eggs from our chickens, somone must have told her they are brown eggs, she says she cannot tell the difference between white and brown eggs...but she enjoys them.
Well, it's time to get ready for bed, just finished up some office work...I'm getting caught up...now if I can just stay that way!!!
Living in His grace,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wishing I was sitting here
by this
doing this
but instead, I am here doing this
oh well.....maybe later.
Living in His grace,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Day Recap
Small tokens of love exchanged, worship, lunch at our favorite restaurant :)....then an interruption of lunch with a call by a friend who was in a car accident, would we head to his house and be with his middle school aged daughter...yes, he was fine, just didn't know when he would get home...lunch was bagged and we were on our way. An afternoon of visiting with a 13 year old who was cooking oven fried chicken. Her mom made it home from work with dad coming in shortly after. We head home and eat our lunch at 4pm, just in time to head back to church for 5:20 service. My DF had to leave service early to go to work for a few hours. So...after service I drop off a couple ladies who needed a ride and head home myself. DF gets home not long after and then it's a quick late supper, get the trash to the end of the drive for the morning and get ready for bed. It was a fast, busy, day.
From my DF
Coffee to drink while I watch Morning Joe on MSNBC (sorry all my Fox News friends) I have come to enjoy this morning news program...and yes, I am still a Follower of Jesus :)
My gift to my DF (pathetic I know)
Cards exchanged
Suprise flowers on Saturday from my DF
Cupcakes baked for my DD
A t-shirt for my DD that gives to others...
all proceeds from this purchase go to Lifeline Mission's work in Haiti. http://www.freeclothingco.bigcartel.com/product/haiti-benefit-tee
A box of chocolates for our DD and cajun peanuts for me from our favorite Candy/Peanut shoppe were also waiting on Valentine's morning. Thank you DF for making your girls feel special.
Living in His grace,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ode to My Hair Dryer
Dear hair dryer,
what a wonderful invention you are.
Ever waiting to be picked up at a moments notice,
you dry my hair to the utmost perfection,
and you are always ready to help out in times of need.
Like yesterday and today.....
you were there... when the line that takes the dirty water
away from my dishwasher was frozen and you blew your hot air until it ran free,
you were there....when again the water spigot in the barn was frozen and you blew your hot air
until it again ran free.
Yes dear hair dryer....dear, dear hair dryer, we owe you so much.
So, from the bottom of my heart...I say thank you.
Today it is again snowing, forcast calls for 4 to 8 inches with winds of up to 40 miles an hour. Yesterday morning, fog settled on us in the AM and left each tree and bush frosted...
The whole frozen spigot in the barn added about an hour to morning chores. So, on with the day...need to be in the office, do some laundry and clean the bedroom. Just another day in paradise :) and I am thankful for it.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (The Message)
16-18 Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
Living in His grace,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Winding Down
The snow is winding down and the wind is picking up. A harsh northeast wind, swirling the snow into large drifts and leaving other places bare. This morning has been spent shoveling, snowblowing and plowing. The electric went out briefly in the night and this morning there is no power to the barn, so, aside from all the the "shoveling, snowblowing and plowing", my DF is going to work in the barn. It appears with all the sideway's snow blowing through the slats in the old barn, the outlets where the electric buckets are plugged have gotten wet. Thankfully right now, the temperature is not too bad and the buckets are just slushy. It is to be colder tomorrow.
I did get the downstairs in the house in a bit of order, though with everyone home today, that won't last for long :) I will work in the office as planned and try to make it in to church later.
I did head outside this morning to take a few pictures....
Have a wonderful, warm, snowy day!
Living in His grace,
I did get the downstairs in the house in a bit of order, though with everyone home today, that won't last for long :) I will work in the office as planned and try to make it in to church later.
I did head outside this morning to take a few pictures....
(DD and the boys)
(Boy Next Door plowing)
(DF having fun :) )
(DD posing)
Have a wonderful, warm, snowy day!
Living in His grace,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Is it Friday already???
I laughed this morning when the TV showed schools already closing or saying they would dismiss early today. "Already?" I said. The weatherman warned of a large snowstorm which was putting everyone in an early panic.
Spitting snow started at noon, a couple hours later we have this with more to come tonight and tomorrow.
He was right!
Spitting snow started at noon, a couple hours later we have this with more to come tonight and tomorrow.
This week has been one of running errands, appointments, coffee with a friend and interruptions to plans. My office desk is piled with work, my house looks like...well I'm not sure what it looks like but it's a mess (Mom, remember my room when I lived at home?), you get the idea. The laundry is piled high and waiting and here I sit blogging :) When things are in such a state, it's hard to get motivated to even start. I will, after this, get going and try to get the house back in order. Tomorrow I have a couple things to do at church and then a prayer service in the evening but between times I will work in the office and hopefully get things caught up.
I've started knitting a dishcloth in a new pattern today at Helen's after I fed her lunch. What a great time to sit, knit and visit with her. Helen is 94 and is totally alone except for all the women who come in to help with her 24 hours a day, oh, and the man who orchestrates is all, Mr. D. Mr D. is wonderful to Helen and is no relation to her, he is a wonderful example of what the Lord calls us to do by taking care of widows. Helen was a bit tired and distant today, though she did eat a pretty good lunch. We didn't visit as much as we normally do, she kept drifting off to sleep.
Ok, I must get busy.....it's getting late in the day....one more snow picture and I'm off....
Living in His Grace,
I've started knitting a dishcloth in a new pattern today at Helen's after I fed her lunch. What a great time to sit, knit and visit with her. Helen is 94 and is totally alone except for all the women who come in to help with her 24 hours a day, oh, and the man who orchestrates is all, Mr. D. Mr D. is wonderful to Helen and is no relation to her, he is a wonderful example of what the Lord calls us to do by taking care of widows. Helen was a bit tired and distant today, though she did eat a pretty good lunch. We didn't visit as much as we normally do, she kept drifting off to sleep.
Ok, I must get busy.....it's getting late in the day....one more snow picture and I'm off....
Living in His Grace,
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Goodbye January
The month has flown...they all do it seems.
"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom". Psalm 90:12 (NLT)
"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom". Psalm 90:12 (NLT)
(January twilight)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes....
Ah...what a wonderful way to start the day...God's gift of sunshine

Matthew 4:16 (New Living Translation)
the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.”
Matthew 4:16 (New Living Translation)
the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.”
(picture of sun shining through the barn)
Living in His Grace,
Monday, January 18, 2010
We've had a couple dreary days now. The snow has melted quite a bit but everything is now shades of gray. It seems to me that it's colder even though we are near 40. The dampness settles into the bones.
Office work and preparing for a Haiti Outreach at church kept me busy this weekend. Did manage though to bake a Banana Bread on Saturday and that was quite an accomplishment for me. This is a wonderful banana bread and very easy to make.


Living In His Grace
Office work and preparing for a Haiti Outreach at church kept me busy this weekend. Did manage though to bake a Banana Bread on Saturday and that was quite an accomplishment for me. This is a wonderful banana bread and very easy to make.
Easy Banana Bread
3 very ripe bananas
1 c. sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 c. flour
1/4 c. butter, melted
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1/2 c. walnuts, chopped
Mash bananas with a fork. Stir in all ingredients. Pour in greased loaf pan. Bake one hour in a preheated 325 degree oven.
That's it! It comes out great every time and gets eaten up rather quickly.
Off to enjoy the next to last piece now with a cup of French Roast
Living In His Grace
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